Other Articles
Articles Accepted for Publication
Owede, Victory Collins, Yusuf, AbdulRaheem PhD. (2014). Teachers’ Disposition and Reflective Practice as Correlates of Students’ Performance in Social Studies in Yenagoa Metropolis, Bayelsa State Revue Internationale de Recherche en Communication, Education et Developpement (RIRCED) : Volume 1, Number 5
Yusuf AbdulRaheem, PhD and Amali, I.O.O Ph.D. (2013) Teachers’ Pedagogical Skills and Use of Instructional Materials as Correlate of Students’ Performance in Social Studies Revue Internationale de Langues, Traduction et d'Interpretatriat (RILTRI): Volume 1, Number 1
Jekayinfa, A.A and Yusuf, A (2004). Teachers’ opinion on the infusion of environmental
education into the Nigerian primary school curriculum. The Educator 1(1) (A publication of the School of Education, Moi University, Kenya.)
Yusuf, A (2006). Citizenship Education: An instrument for unity and stability in Nigeria
African Journal of educational studies 4, (2) (A Publication of the Department of Educational Foundations, University of Botswana, Gaborone. Botswana).
Yusuf, A (2005). The Influence of Social Studies Education on Students Opinions on Political Participation and Democratic Reforms in Nigeria Text of a Paper Presented at the Sixth Annual National Conference of the Social Studies Association of Nigeria (Sosan), Held at the Osun State College of Education, Ilesa
Other Articles
Bello, M.B., Daramola, D.S., Yusuf, A. and Amali, I.O.O. (2015). Access to Tablet Portable Computers and Undergraduates Reading Culture: The experience of a Nigerian University, HSS, vol. IV, no. 3 (2015): 42-51
Hamdallat Taiwo Yusuf, Abdulraheem Yusuf, and Amosa Isiaka Gambari (2015). Emotional Intelligence of Student - Teachers in Relation to their Future Productivity The African Symposium: An online journal of the African Educational Research Network : Volume 15, No. 1, July 2015.
Bello, M.B., Yusuf A., Amali, I.O.O., and Balogun, A. O. (2014). Gender Sensitivity and Sustainable Development: A Representation from Macmillan Social Studies Textbooks for Basic Education in Nigeria Journal of Educational Review: Vol. 7, No. 2, April - June, 2014.
Muhinat Bolanle Bello, Dorcas Shola Daramola, AbdulRaheem Yusuf, and Ismali Oteikwu Amali (2015). Shelving Educational Research Findings: A Threat to Innovation in Nigeria Educational System The African Symposium: An online journal of the African Educational Research Network : Volume 15, No. 2, December 2015
Amali, I. O. O. (PhD)., Yusuf, A. (PhD)., and Bello, M. B. (PhD). (2013). The Relevance of Moral Education in Tackling Corruption for National Development Ilorin Journal of Health, Physical Education & Recreation (IJOHPER) : Volume 6, Number 1, (2013).
A. Yusuf, D.S. Daramola, M.B. Bello, K.E. Obafemi (2015). Assessment of Kwara State Social Studies Teachers of the Adequacy of Upper Basic Social Studies Curriculum Content for Sustainable Development in Nigeria, HSS, vol. IV, no. 2 (2015): 44-55
Yusuf, A., Amali, I.O.O., Bello, M.B., & Isiaka, A. (2013). Ilorin Emirate Teachers' Perception of Group Dynamics Classroom Seating Arrangement in Upper Basic Schools as a Means of Promoting Violence-Free Society Nigerian Journal of Sociology of Education (NJSE): Volume VII, Number 2, October, 2013.
Bello, M. B. (PhD)., Yusuf, A. (PhD)., and Olatunji, D.S. (2013). Need for Guidance and Counselling Services in Almajiri Schools, Nigeria The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling : Volume 18, Number 1, 2013 Edition.
Professionalising Teaching for the Development of the Education Sector
Impact of Globilisation on Culture
Citation of Sources in Educational Research
The Impact of Computers on Our Society. A paper presented at the closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre on the 15th September 2007
Instructional Techniques in J.S.S. under UBE Programme. A paper presented at a workshop organised by HoneyMoon Ventures for Principals, Vice Principals and teachers in Junior Secondary Schools in Kwara State
Yusuf, A & Onasanya S.A. Practical Demonstration on Data Collection, Collation and Analysis for Effective Decision Making. A paper presented at a workshop organised by HoneyMoon Ventures for Principals, Vice Principals and teachers in Junior Secondary Schools in Kwara State